
saturated zone中文是什么意思

  • 饱和层;饱和带;饱和区
  • 饱和带



  • 例句与用法
  • The saturated zone is bounded above by a water table .
  • When water reaches the saturated zone beneath the water table, it oozes slowly downward, and laterally .
  • Definition : in - situ ground eater bioremediation is a technology that encourages growth and reproduction of indigenous microorganisms to enhance biodegradation of organic constituents in saturated zone
  • At last , the formation and development of transient saturated zone , and the distribution and variation of transient water pressure in the process of infiltration under different rainfall degrees are described by an example
  • It is conclude that systematic coupling numerical model is an effective method to study the nuclide transport in vadose and saturate zones and can offer scientific evidence and technique guide for the safe disposition of nuclide waste and environmental assessment
  • Traditionally , the saturated zone is modeled as a simple lumped continuity equation : , dsitqsdt where t is time , s is the total storage in the reservoir , i is the spatially integrated volume of incoming wa - ter , and q is the discharge subsurface runoff which only depends on the total storage s . this kind of subsurface runoff model has many different parame - terizations 10 12 , however it has a very common char - acteristic that the subsurface runoff is just a sin - gle - valued storage - discharge function
    对于大尺度水文模型而言,目前常常采用的是集总式的地下径流机制,其连续性方程一般可表示为d , dsitqst ? 1这里t是时间, s表示整个流域潜水面土壤层的饱和区域总的水分储存量, i t表示t时刻土壤的非饱和区域向整个潜水面的水分补充量, q s表示仅依赖于水分储存量s的地下径流量量
  • In the article , considering the potentially severe pollution of the subsurface environment from the low level radioactive waste , the dynamic integrated transport model of low level nuclide in vadose and saturate zones has been established and is used to predict the dynamic action of the nuclide in a disposition spot
  • 其他语种释义
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